Edgar Taggart

Beverly, NJ

View Edgar Taggart Full Report

Person Overview

This person was born 93 years ago. His ethnicity is Irish and ethnic group is Western European. Edgar Taggart is also known as E Taggart. Edgar estimated household income is $35,000 and estimated net worth is $50,000. Taggart is possible owner of property on 1051 Nichols Ave, Beverly, NJ 08010. (609) 387-0071 is the phone number for Edgar Taggart. According to public records phone number (609) 387-0071 is also linked to Taggart, Taggart, Taggart and Taggart. This person address is 1051 Nichols Ave,Beverly, NJ 08010 . According to public records Taggart, Taggart, Taggart also live at this address. The expected price of renting two bedrooms apartment in the 08010 zip code is $1,370/month. Monthly rental prices for a one-bedroom unit is around $1,130. Possible relatives of Edgar are Kathleen Taggart, Glenda V Taggart, Glenda Taggart and Ej Taggart. We found 1 addresses where Taggart had lived.


Address Rent* Resident Details
1051 Nichols Ave, Beverly, NJ $1,370 Current Details
1015 Nichols Ave, Beverly, NJ 08010 Previous N/A
* Fair market rent value for a two bedroom apartment at current ZIP. Source: HUD Office of Policy Development and Research 2021.
View Edgar Taggart Full Report

Other residents of 1051 Nichols Ave

(609) 387-0071
Age: 81
(609) 387-0071
(609) 387-0071
(609) 387-0071

Phone Numbers

People Associated with (609) 387-0071

(609) 387-0071
Age: 81
(609) 387-0071
(609) 387-0071
(609) 387-0071
